If there is anything to learn in the world, it is often that no matter where you are...there is a bigger fish out there. And then even then there is usually a bigger fish than that one. And then a bigger fish with like, futuristic robotic arms and stuff. And then it just gets wierd.
#1384: Looks like Dan at least figured out emotional shields.
#1385: Seriousness may vary.
#1386: It's like a get out of jail free card.
#1387: Negotiations are a very hands on experience.
#1388: Ambers are weak vs pain.
#1389: In a land of Warp-Aci, he with candy is King.
#1390: Cubi just can't seem to resist clothing article theft.
#1391: It's like cats. They go for the ones who are the most annoyed by it.
#1392: And here comes the equine into the china shop...
#1393: A fairly safe bet all things considered.
#1394: The kind with access to heavy explosives.
#1395: Perhaps a panic compromise can be made.
#1396: Two more times and this can be a running gag.
#1397: That's using your only remaining organ Sherri!
#1398: Practically Perfect in every terrible way.
#1399: When in doubt, assume also that Amber is just lazy.
#1400: Doh. Scene changed a little late on this one.
#1401: Daniel TiFiona. Master of attention spans.
#1402: Yep. Diplomats all of them.
#1403: Fear the day Mink finds a fanfiction writing website.
#1404: Zezzuva. Tactful as always.
#1405: This is why you don't use warp aci for info gathering.
#1406: This is why Zezzuva usually sends a diplomat in her place.
#1407: Zezzuva comes to meetings with an elephant gun.
#1408: Sarcasm. It can get over any head regardless of height.
#1409: Wellp! Looks like its time to go see how Kria is doing...
#1410: Nevermind! Bail out! Bail out! Back to the school!
#1411: She looks familiar...
#1412: Getting it but not getting it.
#1413: Finger on the pulse of pop culture here.
#1414: Forgot about that in the excitement.
#1415: Ok. Now I'm just stalling.
#1416: School. Of shapeshifters. This kind of things happens.
#1417: Most often folks see themselves on the second try.
#1418: Last time she met Mink, Mink thought she was a golem made of gummy worms.
#1419: This bodes. Well or unwell is still undecided.
#1421: Bechdel failure going on over here.
#1422: There is one in every question frm the readers.
#1423: This will not have negative repercussions...no sir ree...
#1424: Comic 1124 to be exact.
#1425: Shooting fish in an overly full barrel.
#1426: No nice things for anyone ever.
#1427: I told you! No nice things for anyone ever!
#1428: Sometimes the wizard is off to see you.
#1429: Best to let nightmares run their sleep cycle.
#1430: Should have used the window.
#1431: Building codes in Trikna are a bit more lenient in some parts.
#1432: Ignorance is an injury best insulted.
#1433: H for hands on, or head off. Take your pick.
#1434: That boy be fancy.
#1435: I imagine 2% of any ascensions involve some form of pie.
#1436: And the spotlight falls on...
#1437: Yeah. It isnt like that name has any relevance to anything.
#1438: Them beholder eyes may need glasses.
#1439: Totally Original Character. Do Not Steal.
#1440: The census is going to be really skewed next season.
#1441: A soliloquy of monochrome.
#1442: Also explains the thriving awning market.
#1443: Sherri is not overly fond of heights.
#1444: Aw yeah. Callback to comic 761 in effect.
#1445: Same words. Different conversations.
#1446: This is my stance on a lot of things really.
#1447: What a friendly and non-foreboding looking fellow!
#1448: It makes sense that for an Insectis Heaven would be down.
#1449: Never trust a Fae with gardening supplies.
#1450: Wildy just digs secret agent concepts.
#1451: He would probably make a terrible customer.
#1452: Maybe a bold decorative gift basket?
#1453: Gingerbread heads will roll.
#1454: Mink is REALLY gonna have to revise the papers now.
#1455: Samus got nothing on Mink.
#1456: Dimanika's solutions only make more problems.
#1457: Curiouser and Curiouser.
#1458: Abel is kind of a rules gladiator.
#1459: Amber takes taco questions the most serious.
#1460: Naps and Coffee are a valuable currency.
#1461: It is really hard to get a demon drunk.
#1462: Dont forget to dial 9 first.
#1463: Clearing the air.
#1464: The medicine cabinet is now a make-up cabinet.
#1465: Wonder where she learned that spell from.
#1466: Pull yourself together there Sherri.
#1467: Motives unknown or unacknowledged.
#1468: Aim is a little off for some reason.
#1469: She kids. Mostly. Maybe. Probably not.
#1470: Also we need more hot pockets.
#1471: Wrapping things up.
#1472: What could possibly go wrong?
#1473: A prompt departure.
#1474: I detect a trend...
#1475: Watch out for that first step.
#1476: I warned you about that first step.
#1477: Looks like someone has a new vacation spot.
#1478: Demon diplomacy is all intimidate.
#1479: No rest for the wicked.
#1480: If it bleeds we can kill it. Maybe.
#1481: No rest for the snarky either.
#1482: She aint messing with no broke.
#1483: Fi is an expert at this after all.
#1484: Inventive incentives.
#1485: Friendship montage is a go!
#1486: Like a tiny lookinglass.
#1487: The closest to a compliment Aliph can get.
#1488: Living down the thing that got you killed.
#1489: No fun allowed.
#1490: Kids these days.
#1491: Not so white whale.
#1492: Lightning Bolt. Lightning Bolt.
#1493: Sales pitch for salespeople.
#1494: Time to go into awkward overdrive!
#1495: The last to know.
#1496: Good Reception.
#1497: Behold the power of adverbs.
#1498: Well with phone sizes these days...
#1499: Hooray for anticlimactic resolutions!
#1500: Mink was an energetic child.
#1501: Small problem.
#1502: Best at what she does...
#1503: Doooom(tm).
#1504: Sword of Damacles.
#1505: Valuable sibling currency.
#1506: Getting better for the worst.
#1507: Lets get some shoes.
#1508: You think you know someone...
#1509: Who needs to think when you have an app for that.
#1510: Just icing on the cake.
#1512: Us and Them and Those.
#1513: But who is keeping score?
#1514: Well it made for really good hiding!
#1515: Beware the Bank of Biggs.
#1516: The pink hair kind would ruin the effect.
#1517: And then the hammer falls.
#1518: Playing to ones skills.
#1519: Bzz Bzz Grr.
#1520: The 5 stages of tantrum.
#1521: Dont get me started on his pizza topping preference...
#1522: Scene change 1!
#1523: Scene change 2!
#1524: Insert Muppet Flailing Here.
#1525: The fanciest of carrots.
#1526: Scene Change 3!
#1527: Scene Change um...4?
#1528: Attention span of a...oh hey shiny!
#1529: Lil bit racist.
#1530: Sensitive Subject.
#1531: Hopeful Thinking.
#1532: The sum of all family conversations.
#1533: Piflak may be one-third troll.
#1534: We meet again for the first time.
#1535: Looks like a job for defenestration man.
#1536: Catching up.
#1537: Sympathy wasteland.
#1538: Logical Petard.
#1539: Not very great expectations.
#1540: Thicker than water debts.
#1541: I will be a riot at my school reunion.
#1542: Devilish politics.
#1543: To the pointy point.
#1544: Got to grow into the cuteness.
#1545: Alexsi knows how it is.
#1546: Stalling for timeshare.
#1547: Complex Memories.
#1548: Hanger Management.
#1549: Crumpets are also acceptable.
#1550: At least he left a note.
#1551: Starting way back.
#1552: At least he is ambitious.
#1553: Prep-Time.
#1554: Learning can be killer.
#1555: The moral compass points south.
#1556: Familial trends.
#1557: Popcorn means Abel is interested.
#1558: Knowing oneself.
#1559: Under shadow. Overcompensation.
#1560: Typos. The oldest mistake in the book.
#1561: A very red letter day.
#1562: Creepy and Kooky.
#1563: More like rules lawyering death.
#1564: Zombie elephant in the room.
#1565: Matter of Opinion.
#1566: Smack Talk.
#1567: But only a little.
#1568: Comforting Words.
#1569: The Talk.
#1570: The Confession.
#1571: The Not So Dramatic Scene-Change!
#1572: Hot Stuff coming through!
#1573: Especially around Finals.
#1574: Short attention span.
#1575: Absence makes the eyes go wander.
#1576: Only thing more exciting is boxes.
#1577: Somehow it does work. Trust me.
#1578: Complete with matching hats.
#1579: Always Watching. Barely Caring.
#1580: Long time coming.
#1581: Those who fail history are doomed to retake the class.
#1582: And then Ambers wrist fell off.
#1583: Hidden Motives.
#1584: Maiden stealing prejudice.
#1585: They all fall down.
#1586: Examples.
#1587: Hope flies eternal.
#1588: Heart of the matter.
#1589: Shifty types.
#1590: Misery loves company. Resentment stands alone.
#1591: Somewhat familiar...
#1592: He makes me laugh.
#1593: Obvious enough for Dan to notice.
#1594: Fall through the cracks.
#1595: Cuts Deep.
#1596: Leaving on a sour note.
#1597: Entering on a Bitter Note.
#1598: Regretful Questions R Us.
#1599: A New Hope.
#1600: At least he tried.
#1601: Stopping on by.
#1602: Her point is made.
#1603: Resist the Assist.
#1604: Looking Back, Moving Forward.
#1605: More like a summer-home wrecker.
#1606: One is what one eats.
#1607: The important questions.
#1608: Getting the Jitters.
#1609: Letters to Scene Change.
#1610: Like sand through a clogged hourglass.
#1611: Smooth Transition.
#1612: Everyone has a hobby.
#1613: Endless Potential.
#1614: Not the best wordchoice.
#1615: Grave Motivations.
#1616: Ten point font. No doublespacing.
#1617: Black Heart of the matter.
#1618: Begrudging Respect.
#1619: At least he accepts it.
#1620: Bonding requires contact.
#1621: Soulstealer family tree.
#1622: The One-Day Flu.
#1623: Short Retirement.
#1624: Simple Pleasures of Life.
#1625: Insert trendy director name here.
#1626: A reputable dockmaster.
#1627: Baby steps Fluffy. Baby steps.
#1628: Artistic Inspirations.
#1629: If you were a household appliance...
#1630: Please dont use company staplers for global domination.
#1631: Got a case of the rumblies.
#1632: Anti-techno babble.
#1633: Two out of Three actually.
#1634: Suddenly less invested.
#1635: Not off to a good start.
#1636: Crouching Scylla, hidden Charybdis.
#1637: Temper temper.
#1638: The ole hook n liner...
#1639: And then Amber was mauled to death.
#1640: Background Backfire.
#1641: That didn't take long.
#1642: The siren song of crumbs.
#1643: Wouldnt open it unless you want to get ahead.
#1644: Several were bought online.
#1645: I see what you did there.
#1646: He was too cheap for the pop-up version.
#1647: Brief detour.
#1648: Better horse-headed than bull-headed.
#1649: They like getting into crawlspaces.
#1650: Choose to lose.
#1651: Now leaving imagination station.
#1652: Now boarding the possible pain train.
#1653: Way of the world.
#1654: Keeping it together.
#1655: Last Straw. Exit stage left.
#1656: RIP desk #4.
#1657: Under, Over, and Out.
#1658: Out, About, and Around.
#1659: Sappy ever after.
#1660: Like no one ever was.
#1661: Didnt say it three times.
#1662: Friendshiiiiiip.
#1663: Dodged a blt there.
#1664: Nothing to worry about.
#1665: The only winning move...
#1666: Fashion Forward.
#1667: Fashion Fiasco.
#1668: Fashion Foreboding.
#1669: Avians of similar plumage...
#1670: Here fishy fishy fishy.
#1671: Time Setter.
#1672: The most supportive.
#1673: Fantasies made real.
#1674: Armchair demon psychology.
#1675: The customer is dead to rights.
#1676: Window Fishing.
#1677: Lets get some shoes.
#1678: Trap Sprung.
#1679: Trap Detected.
#1680: Culture shock and/or burn.
#1681: Some things are not meant to be.
#1682: I may be lying. Maybe.
#1683: She trying.
#1684: Cows love greener grass.
#1685: Cows also love living grass.
#1686: Cows do not love sitcom tropes.
#1687: Meet Viv.
#1688: What could possibly go wrong.
#1689: We all know one of these shoppers.
#1690: Seams like trouble.
#1691: Conspiracy purist.
#1692: Dont forget the scones.
#1693: Lesson one: Not this.
#1694: More of a courtesy knock.
#1695: Not really a clan of subtlety.
#1696: May be somewhat biased.
#1697: Birds of a very boring feather...
#1698: She is actually a few hundred years old.
#1698: The thought counts to two.
#1700: Wickedly fun!
#1701: Armful of adorable nightmares.
#1702: Making friends.
#1703: All together now.
#1704: BRB. Buying more paper.
#1705: When the moon hits your eye...
#1706: And the ice cream of reflection.
#1707: Movie Night.
#1708: The blue makes it for boys.
#1709: Meet not meat.
#1710: Cant spell knew without ew.
#1711: Little too happy.
#1712: Its a clan leader thing.
#1713: Thats just an Aaryanna thing.
#1714: Apparently its a Cyra thing.
#1715: Ominous omens.
#1716: Lets get the party started...elsewhere!
#1717: Dap Chap.
#1718: Speed Record.
#1719: Delayed Reaction.
#1720: Netflix and Nope.
#1721: Antilife of the party.
#1722: Suit may have been better.
#1723: Sob-story credits.
#1724: VIP shock treatment.
#1725: Whole new world.
#1726: Bar Talk.
#1727: Crossing the Streams.
#1728: Ambigosity.
#1729: Locked into this web.
#1730: Club and gun show.
#1731: The lady likes what she likes.
#1732: Little less conversation. Little more action.
#1733: When the drakes away...
#1734: Let them eat plot cookies.
#1735: Also. They big.
#1736: Pip pip cheerio.
#1737: He may be a bit mad.
#1738: Yay cake!
#1739: This can only end in drunken violence.
#1740: Shiny shiny distractions.
#1741: Its nerdier than it looks like.
#1742: He is a lil bit excited perhaps.
#1743: Vote of incompetence.
#1744: Warp Aci love what they think are sports.
#1745: She is good at that.
#1746: RIP Retinas.
#1747: Theres a man in the back...
#1748: At least you are standing.
#1749: May have to settle for the bronze.
#1750: So. Very. Hungry.
#1751: The more you know...on your own.
#1752: New phone. Who dis?
#1753: Pchoooooooo.
#1754: To protect and not serve up.
#1755: Anonymous Tip.
#1756: Fast forward.
#1757: Excuse you.
#1758: Lawyers are like heavy machinery.
#1759: Second wind.
#1760: Contents are potentially fishy.
#1761: Putting a pin in.
#1762: Pressing matters indeed.
#1763: Not so Southern Hospitality.
#1764: Back and Forth.
#1765: Backing up.
#1766: Backing Away.
#1767: Confidential confidant.
#1768: Horseshoes and handgrenades.
#1769: Simply the best.
#1770: Dropping in.
#1771: Off to a pleasant start.
#1772: At least until the style shift.
#1773: She is filled with determination.
#1774: It is not covered by his health plan.
#1775: Too late. Its weird.
#1776: Getting that sweet Mab loots.
#1777: Clearing that up.
#1778: Need more random gifts to boost relationship.
#1779: Must be that 2% of water.
#1780: Sticking them in paintings is my favorite.
#1781: Just dont sleep in the middle of mushrooms.
#1782: He loses most scry crystals that way.
#1783: Warships in the night.
#1784: Meddling.
#1785: Meta Meddling.
#1786: What could have been.
#1787: What will be.
#1788: Educational Guesswork.
#1789: Yes her tips are no longer dyed.
#1790: Mistakes were/are made.
#1791: Back on the catwalk.
#1792: Personal Space.
#1793: You think that would be hard hide.
#1794: Mink is ready for bready.
#1795: Slowly maiming time.
#1796: Middle Ground.
#1797: They also teach the grass growing class.
#1798: Calling dibs.
#1799: Good for nothing call.
#1800: I hope you bring lots of spaghetti.
#1801: He wants registry information.
#1802: She likes to show up exactly 4 minutes before him.
#1803: Paying respects.
#1804: Party Games.
#1805: Also a fan of air hockey.
#1806: An honest face.
#1807: The twist is sometimes the lack.
#1808: Stiff Drink.
#1809: Next up. The weather.
#1810: Cloudy with a chance of storms.
#1811: That last step is important.
#1812: Rubbing elbows.
#1813: Butting heads.
#1814: Keyword Hanging.
#1815: Synchronized Cover Story.
#1816: Character growing pains.
#1817: Demon at heart.
#1818: Also their car is making an odd noise.
#1819: One of those job perks.
#1820: The feather escaped.
#1821: A tale of a man and a monster.
#1822: Overshadowing.
#1823: Absentminded Mastermind.
#1824: Midnight train to anywhere.
#1825: Brutally Honest.
#1826: Still cheaper than vases.
#1827: Spot on Assessment.
#1828: New Guest. New Goals.
#1829: A slight hiccup.
#1830: Back in Inaction.
#1831: Power Player.
#1832: Staying relevant.
#1833: Oh bother.
#1834: Can bearly contain herself.
#1835: Oh yeah these two.
#1836: Divergent.
#1837: Convergent.
#1838: Distorted.
#1839: Technically an action.
#1840: The scorpian and the river.
#1841: Flashback attack.
#1842: City of cardboard.
#1843: Poor Timing.
#1844: As the dust settles.
#1845: Awfully lawfully evil.
#1846: Time to tag in.
#1847: 18 year moment of reflection.
#1848: Nothing personal. Except when it is.
#1849: Taking pride in the little things.
#1850: Viv has been married three times.
#1851: Lets get this party ended!
#1852: I like to think I am punny.
#1853: Why laugh last if you can just laugh whenever.
#1854: Empathic One on One.
#1855: Empathic Zero to One.
#1856: Find out what it means to thee.
#1857: Heart to Heartless.
#1858: Keeping them at arms length.
#1859: Give an inch, get a smile.
#1860: Onto smaller and not so better things.
#1861: Footholds in the door.
#1862: Pitter Patter.
#1863: Passing the buck.
#1864: Calling in astronaut.
#1865: Depends on the hospital policy really.
#1866: A sound strategy.
#1867: Masters of the hissy fit.
#1868: Fast Dodge.
#1869: Also known as the work from home uniform.
#1870: It is a very slow assembly.
#1871: Its natural.
#1872: The best powerpoint presentation.
#1873: Spin it to win it.
#1874: Press X for Doubt.
#1875: The good dirt.
#1876: Not the friend who pays the bail.
#1877: Dunk a roos.
#1878: Can Amber do this without a flashback...
#1879: Asking the wrong person hypotheticals.
#1880: A high cost.
#1881: Ask permission before monologuing.
#1882: Points for confidence.
#1883: It was this or a scene change.
#1884: The whole powerful magic abilities also helped.
#1885: Many regrets were had that day.
#1886: Nah ah ah. You didn't say the magic word.
#1887: World in a bottle.
#1888: An offer he didn't refuse.
#1889: A boon given.
#1890: At least his other hand wasnt flaming.
#1891: Pay no attention to the Mab behind the curtain.
#1892: It starts with one.
#1893: Put er there.
#1894: Question Rapid shot.
#1895: Living Vicariously.
#1896: Dont threaten him with a good time.
#1897: Granted the bar was set really low.
#1898: Freshman courses be like that.
#1899: Time flies when you dont pay attention.
#1900: Insert fishing metaphors here.
#1901: A case of the grumblies.
#1902: Warp Aci love newspaper delivery hour.
#1903: You had and lost him at the word Mink.
#1904: Using the customer service voice.
#1905: Ones guilt mileage may vary.
#1906: Over the river and through the woods...
#1907: Plus one.
#1909: Same for online tournament rooms.
#1910: A fine year for tears.
#1911: First things first and all.
#1912: Pleased as punch.
#1913: A cardiovascular trust exercise.
#1914: Thats where he gets it from I guess.
#1915: It passes the time.
#1916: Onward to a scene change.
#1917: Contact-Sport affection.
#1918: Curbside chatter.
#1919: Friendship is inconvenient.
#1920: Really depends on the in-laws.
#1921: Nerdy Talk.
#1922: Not a small detail.
#1923: Time flies at express rates.
#1924: Home is where your fourteen chambered heart is.
#1925: Power Surge.
#1926: Next to stubbing ones toe upon entry.
#1927: A room with a view.
#1928: Movie Night is Every Night.
#1929: Always the last to know.
#1930: Biggs can confirm.
#1931: Awkward Silence and Non-silence.
#1932: She's very pleased about this.
#1933: Ground Control to Major Tom.
#1934: Yesss...that's the reason...
#1935: The tiny details and tiny differences.
#1936: Innit for the free milk and bread.
#1937: Not enough rep to unlock that.
#1938: Cosmic Horrors and Popcorn.
#1939: Once again, hide and seek cheater.
#1940: The birds and the arthropods.
#1941: 10% tip for your thoughts.
#1942: Matter of size.
#1943: Boldly going...somewhere?
#1944: Presentation is key.
#1945: Home is where life support is.
#1946: Extreme Knitting.
#1947: Mountains to Molehills.
#1948: Doomed to repeat this joke.
#1949: Priority focus.
#1950: Most try to use fake names.
#1951: One could say neither are wrong.
#1952: It gives her something to do on Wednesdays.
#1953: All downhill from here.
#1954: Momentary caution to the wind.
#1955: Hek.
#1956: A shoulder to cry from.
#1957: A tiny shoulder to lean on.
#1958: Welcome to Hishaan. Population...
#1959: It'd be creepier if it wasn't mid afternoon.
#1960: The simple pleasures in life.
#1961: Oh right. These guys.
#1962: Forgot that detail.
#1963: He said she dead.
#1964: Better than the old yeller approach to retirement.
#1965: Not just for bragging rights after all.
#1966: And they never saw eachother again. The end.
#1967: Also known as the furry convention hotel experience.
#1968: Stepping into a regret measuring contest.
#1969: It's all in our head.
#1970: Let some air in there.
#1971: Just a puppet on a lonely string.
#1972: Horizon.
#1973: It's a long list really.
#1974: TFW you arent the bottom of the barrel.
#1975: They make it look so easy.
#1976: Not enough enhance to de-blurry those memories.
#1977: Fool me once and only.
#1978: Cubi-ism adds ten pounds and two inches on average.
#1979: Most would consder her tastes very outdated.
#1980: Tit for tat, hope for hope.
#1981: No pressure now.
#1982: I forget if that would be considered ironic or not.
#1983: You don't want to know what Plan C usually is.
#1984: A dispairity in blue.
#1985: The falling part though they have down pat.
#1986: What do your Dan eyes see?
#1987: The world adjusting may cause motion sickness.
#1988: This still counts as a sigh of relief right?
#1989: Dream big or dream of home.
#1990: A lot less impressive as well.
#1991: It also helps the males help them survive in space.
#1992: Like a button. A fuzzy feathery button.
#1993: Somewhere I have offended a biologist.
#1994: Fortunately backless jumpsuits are the trend on that station.
#1995: All aboard the pain train express.
#1996: One foot out the door and into traction.
#1997: To infinity and beyond as they say.
#1998: Time to prescribe 80 naps.
#1999: Thems friendin words.
#2000: An accurate summary of many things.
#2001: In no particular order.
#2002: This actually happens often around Cubi.
#2003: Yeah...
#2005: Turns out more effective than ale and barmaids.
#2006: All you want and less!
#2007: Fa'Lina actually makes a pretty amazing tomato soup.
#2008: Lookout tall shelves. You're next!
#2009: Based on real events inside my head.
#2010: The sticklegs give me a bonus to running from my problems.
#2011: Both at work and not until observed.
#2012: Time to kill.
#2013: Speed run.
#2014: The mythos is a FNAF fan.
#2015: Honesty has no return policy.
#2017: Everyone has a door kick topic.
#2018: Nyoom.
#2019: Power word: Mom.
#2020: Misplaced augury.
#2021: A win win win situation.
#2022: Cant have that happen now can we?
#2023: Passing the buck out of season.
#2024: Influental.
#2025: Meeting adjourned.
#2026: Lets adjourn this one too while we are at it.
#2027: Death becomes her.
#2028: It would be mutual if he had feelings.
#2029: A bar set high enough to be a tripping hazard.
#2030: Once again, Amber ruins the concept of pillow talk.
#2031: He's not a fan of that ship.
#2032: Like a small yellow javelin.
#2033: A very distinct sound.
#2034: The height gives a bonus to dodge.
#2035: The narcoleptic life of medication.
#2036: Out of the way.
#2037: Not the best conversation starter.
#2038: Good is a very flexible concept.
#2039: Hostile-tality.
#2040: Self evaluation.
#2041: Not in his element.
#2042: Regeneration really amps up the returning rates.
#2043: How low can you go.
#2044: Talk ain't cheap if you value your time.
#2045: What do you want on your tombstone.
#2046: Havarti like its yo birthday.
#2047: I would go creme brulee but I'm not to be trusted with torches.
#2048: But can it laminate?
#2049: Digital age newborn.
#2050: And then Amber was beaten by their writer friends.
#2051: It is for his own good.
#2052: COMPLETELY hypothetical. (winky face)
#2053: Helps to have new fabrics to cry into.
#2054: A bit out of the way.
#2055: When clothes gets really dated.
#2056: Powermoves.
#2057: The terror to be unleashed.
#2058: With very little power comes great responsibility.
#2059: Dont worry. The fabric dye is very resistant to water.
#2060: And this time her shop is SUPER insured.
#2061: There. There.
#2062: I mean. He is getting old after all these centuries.
#2063: Small-town gossip never changes.
#2064: Advice from the experts.
#2065: Be your own trophy boss.
#2066: All good things must come to a ruin.
#2067: FYI, half her wings are shapeshifted.
#2068: His reflection shows who he is inside.
#2069: He used the academic term because the scientific one wouldnt be PG.
#2070: A fury of the broken-hearted.
#2071: Few can escape such confines.
#2072: Instant recharge for all glow in the dark objects.
#2073: Fear of ferrets is very common.
#2074: There's fierce clan competition in the entertainment industry.
#2075: Staring down the barrel of a rabbit hole.
#2076: Remember. Dan is really bad with history and backstories.
#2077: Heavy is the head that overdecorates.
#2078: And thats BEFORE you add in family drama.
#2079: He just thinks she's neat.
#2080: Also common with art commissions.
#2081: Time flies when you dont want to think about it.
#2082: Messenger of bad news at wrong times.
#2083: There is always a bigger fish.
#2084: Unfrozen peas are healthy to feed ducks.
#2085: Make it so you can fake it.
#2086: The voice of experience.
#2087: Hard to tell the difference at times.
#2088: What is life? Baby don't hurt me no more.
#2089: It never gets old.
#2091: You know its a monologue when the special effects kick in.
#2092: The punchline.
#2093: Not an area of expertise.
#2095: He's so proud of himself and he shouldn't be.
#2096: Chickis character has wings because she's secretly a princess.
#2097: Being in a realm of your thoughts makes it hard to bluff.
#2098: Sometimes it REALLY doesnt take a mind reader to figure it out.
#2099: Cleanup needed in aisle five for spilled beans.
#2100: How convenient!
#2101: Seems fairly reasonable.
#2102: Credit where credit is due.
#2103: In Aliphs defense, he thinks most things arent fun.
#2104: Better than durian.
#2105: SUPER Haunted.
#2106: You chose...uncertainly.
#2107: Aaryanna already promised Mink she would never become a clown.
#2108: Dimanika herself is responsible for .2% of them.
#2109: The bearer of bad news rides upon a path made with good intentions.
#2110: From the fire and into the pan.
#2111: Its been a while.
#2112: Wildy took the hat in comic 90.
#2113: Well that was a waste of timing.
#2114: Gotta love those sun rockets.
#2115: Shakka shakka shakka shakka...
#2117: Technicality difficulties.
#2118: A popular franchise for both beings and cubi.
#2119: Rude awakenings.
#2120: At least she has the title of fewest lake tosses while leader.
#2121: [Unintelligable bat screaming]
#2122: All cons are long cons when you live for hundreds of years.
#2123: It was exceptionally gaudy.
#2124: The word to care ratio is pretty high.
#2125: Funny thing is I know they meet again one more time.
#2126: Abel would have chosen the pamphlets.
#2127: Some memories have out of date photos.
#2128: The title is more for resume padding.
#2128: Some memory photos are more out of date than others.
#2130: Breakdown in communicators.
#2131: These trying times.
#2132: Might be some tension there.
#2133: Trend setting and trend regretting.
#2134: Walked in on that one.
#2135: It was a wedding gift from Alexsi's grandmother.
#2136: Awww...she trusts him.
#2137: Ferrets consider it a family business.
#2138: Friendship is magically dangerous.
#2139: Tolas takes after his mom's side of the family.
#2140: Max ranks in head butting.
#2141: Just needed to get that out.
#2142: He aint wrong.
#2143: He may be a little wrong now.
#2144: Sometimes it is that simple.
#2145: Resolving and revolving.
#2146: It ended up not working for other reasons.
#2147: Dont make a weregild pun...dont make a weregild pun...
#2148: His mistake was running.
#2149: It is still in the room.
Previous Chapter:And then everything went wrong.
