The things one has to do to have a good night on the town. But you never know who you may run into. Or worse, you have a good idea of who.
#1036: The universe has been unbalanced. Flee! Flee!
#1037: But what about actual job experience? Huh? Huh??
#1038: Don't worry. They are natural.
#1039: Them training videos always miss this part.
#1040: Not polite to stare.
#1041: Ssspt Sssspt Ssspt!
#1042: Fortress of Solitude needs some work.
#1043: Kria is the downfall of my ratings system.
#1044: The more you know, the more it hurts.
#1045: Tell em you care with property damage.
#1046: That's what you get for saying it out loud Dan.
#1047: Anything.
#1048: Her phone is made out of a seashell. A "shell-phone" you could say.
#1049: Common sense ruins so many wacky shenanigans.
#1050: Dressing for Successing.
#1051: Months later Dan will get dating advice while camping.
#1052: And yet again the dragon spirits away the maiden.
#1053: Genesis was last seen around comic 711.
#1054: Going to be a long night off a short pier.
#1055: I'd be worried too.
#1056: Nya ha ha! Sexy black belt strikes again!
#1057: One's brain cannot co-pilot if the mouth is on auto-pilot.
#1058: Checking in on everyone.
#1059: This is why I can't answer nice things.
#1060: Close encounters of the blarfy kind.
#1061: The truth will set you free. Or get you cried on.
#1062: Some habits die hard.
#1063: Great listener. But terrible with advice.
#1064: What is a dinner without awkward conversation?
#1065: Luckily their race can regenerate limbs.
#1066: Limited topics.
#1067: Danger Dan Robinson! Danger!
#1068: From one frying pan to another fire.
#1069: It's a fancy restaurant so he likely has a good hour.
#1070: Revenge is a dish with odd ways of serving.
#1071: You don't even want to know how calculus worked.
#1072: Great Expectations.
#1073: Two households, both alike in dignity...
#1074: He also squeezes the toothpaste tube from the middle.
#1075: This happens a lot.
#1076: Open your eyes. Look up to the skies to see...
#1077: Waltzing Matilda...through a china shop.
#1078: Not sure who is being insulted on this one.
#1079: Sometimes you want to go where nobody knows your name.
#1080: Across the gutter like a skipping stone.
#1081: It was later re-written so Wildy related injuries were excluded.
#1082: The direct approach. How different!
#1083: How about some stalling then. Eh? Eh?
#1084: Sort of anti-climatic really.
#1085: Friendly fire is still fire.
#1086: Can't we all just get along?
#1087: It's a silly kind of wuv.
#1088: And thus the hat set off on its magical adventure alone.
#1089: Unfunny answer is unfunny.
#1090: Bitter revenge made sweet.
#1091: Not quite the best shoulder to lean on however.
#1092: The worst thing about things that speak is often what they say.
#1093: Oh great now you've aggrod the mid-boss.
#1094: Well that is going to leave a mark.
#1095: Break up wake up.
#1096: He's so above that stuff.
#1097: Sunshine and lollipops and rainbows everywhere.
#1098: Scratch that. Teeth! Teeth everywhere!
#1099: Stop. Hippo time.
#1100: Derailed by the sunshine brigade.
#1101: And then he was never heard from again.
#1102: Amber yawned 17 times while making panel one.
#1103: 9/10 boyfriends prefer this method of death.
#1104: Bad hat! Very bad hat!
#1105: Probably because they tried the same thing themselves once.
#1106: Oh what a tangled web I trip over.
#1107: Loaded question is loaded.
#1108: You can't have fabulous without a bit of ab.
#1109: Granted all three could be bested by a laser pointer.
#1110: Bicker bicker bicker.
#1111: And flannel! Don't forget the flannel.
#1112: I could say he's just being catty...
#1113: Words make brain think ouch no good.
#1114: QFR: And don't get me started on limbs hanging on the side of the bed...
#1115: Slang is also usually in need of an upgrade.
#1116: I hate to think what is done to celebrate the 1k mark.
#1117: The lesser of two evils is often just ignorant.
Previous Chapter: Fae
Next Chapter: Randomosity