Many things can be discussed over lunch, as Lorenda and Kria are about to demonstrate. Will there be foreshadowing? Will there be revelations? Will there be blatent fanservice? I guess we'll wait and see..
#756: The shades are always a dead givaway.
#757: Reminds me...I should give my mom a call...
#758: Conclusion jumping is more fun when it's wrong.
#759: It was so tempting to put in a Tigger reference to this.
#760: I could never be a spy for this reason.
#761: Careful what comfort you offer.
#762: It beats the malls that seem to have seventeen sunglasses kiosks.
#763: Corsets are just another way of saying lungs are stupid.
#764: FYI, the rhino's name is Bernadette.
#765: Number of times Amber yawned making panel one: 14.
#766: That yeti still scares me to this day.
#767: A slightly delayed response.
#768: Oddly enough, I didn't intend for this dialogue to be so double-meaning.
#769: Sometimes those who know a lot act like they know so little.
#770: It's more economic than adding steel doors.
#771: Abnormal situations often bring about abnormal solutions.
#772: Its often better to let it out...the laughter I mean.
#773: Bringing it full circle and home.
#774: Not really so much get a break as much as making one.
#775: Time for a good old fashioned freak-out.
#776: Some side effects may occur.
#777: We lose more jackets that way...
Previous Chapter: Get me to the Church.
Next Chapter: All Hail Queen Mab.