When a birthday comes around, panic ensues, a party is thrown, a story is written, and Jyrras... well... We'll let you find out what happens to Jyrras.
#430: There are ways to make sure no one forgets your birthday. Infamy is one.
#431: This is really why magicians are always a hit at parties.
#432: Getting gifts for your family is good for your health.
#433: It's a bad habit in most dragon species. Really.
#434: Most trouble is done with borrowed stuff.
#435: Coming up with new and creative ways of torment.
#436: You would think all fictional guards would have explosion training.
#437: Supergenius villains are so underappreciated these days.
#438: Obvious questions should have obvious repercussions.
#439: The face of evil has never been cuter.
#440: He's not crazy, just a little absent-minded.
#441: Henchmen are a lot like children in a lot of ways.
#442: Being a super-genius usually requires being smart.
#443: Even evil-villains need time to select a wardrobe.
#444: Weapons make the best fashion accessories.
#445: You'd be amazed at what can be set on fire.
#446: An exchange of romantic insults.
#447: So that's what they are calling it these days.
#448: The same thing they do everynight.
#449: This is why evil villains never group-think.
#450: Not that sinister, but very effective!
#451: Blackmail works on so many levels.
#452: Pride comes before a fall...with laser beams!
#453: You snooze, they cruise.
#454: Chaos, Destruction, Poker.
#455: Never underestimate a good spy network.
#456: Methods so handy, the know the secret before it is made.
#457: Scene changes are quite the time-savers.
#458: Writer's block is hazardous to a characters health.
#459: Almost as good as the real thing but without the painful burning!
#460: Makes you wonder what happens when he hits the wrong button.
#461: Good plan. Bad timing.
#462: The power of cliche compells even the greatest storywriter.
#463: The time honoured skill of inserting foot in mouth.
#464: Kicking him while he's up.
#465: Not-so-great minds also think alike.
#466: Fights are meant to win, not last forever.
#467: It would be rude to turn away a nemesis.
#468: Short interruption because it hurts so much!
#469: Last minutes plans almost always involve wheels.
#470: Being evil means you dont have to explain your actions.
#471: Considering the author, this should have been expected.
#472: Sneaking up on ferrets is bad for ones health.
#473: One ring to rule him all.
#474: Like a lamb in a lionhouse.
#475: Just walked into that one a little too late.
#476: He might be crazy...but he's crazy like a fox!
#477: These types of letters are too good to pass up.
#478: Even the most fun things can become a chore if its a job.
#479: Easily distracted from inner monologues.
#480: Creatures of the night.
Previous Chapter: Just Wing'en It
Next Chapter: Unwilling and Able at Cubi Academy