Lessons are learned as patches are discovered, a mow is born, humanity is enabled, and Mab finds something she thinks is cute... of course.
#240: Kind of an awkward moment.
#241: Isn't technology grand?
#242: If money cant buy happiness, it can at least buy bliss!
#243: Dan, the guinie pig of opportunity.
#244: Curiosity or Stupidity?
#245: Meep meep meep meep!(translators wanted)
#246: Oh the wacky things that can come of this.
#247: For the sake of science.
#248: Some habits die hard.
#249: Do you sense a trend?
#250: I swear this was planned! Really!
#251: Its a rabid fanferret!
#252: The stupid arent a majority...they are just very loud.
#253: Its almost like a Full-House moment.
#254: What better way to waste ones time?
#255: Some people just have no taste in music.
#256: Merlitz just cant take a joke.
#257: If evil cant solve it, pancakes will.
#258: This could be a possible hurdle in the relationship.
#259: Dan is many things, a master of incognito is not one of them.
#260: Chilling.
#261: You should see her when she plays charades.
#262: Statistics say a good presentation often relies on nice visuals.
#263: Give a weasel wings, and they will find the jet engines.
#264: You just cant joke about some things with some people.
#265: I wouldnt doubt if thats the reason.
#266: Yeah Toast!
#267: Poetic twist to one of lifes little questions.
#268: Just when you think its safe to go buy groceries.
#269: Wildy has always had a skill of knowing which buttons push.
#270: Its all in good fun.
#271: Feel the love...and the teeth.
#272: Proper writing often helps.
Previous Chapter: Guys Night Out... With Wildy?
Next Chapter: The Shortest Story-Arch Ever!
