• Ability to alter size
  • Flight/Weightless
  • Adjustable shape
  • Appears sentient
  • Expected life-span: Unknown

Experiment 479-C: "Deathbringer"

General: Deebs, AKA Deathbringer (she picked out her own name) is the result of an unstable magical energy coming into contact with regular pink chewing gum. While generally genderless and able to alter its form into anything it desires, Deebs has taken on the shape and personality of a feminine pink bunny girl. From current studies, it appears Deebs has taken a more elastic aspect of chewing gum rather than the sticky side. It is unknown currently if she can alter that.

While able to alter her shape, it seems that she (as at the time it seems easier to use the "she" pronoun than "it") is bound to a size limit as the larger she becomes the thinner the bubble coating becomes. Testing has shown she is able to assimilate more gum to gain more mass to her... however it requires it to be chewed by Jyrras himself (most likely due to the magical component requiring similar materials as when created).

Personality wise, Deebs seems to be an average albeit childish intelligence. While capable of learning, Deathbringer's memory capacity seems limited. Further experiments will likely be needed.

Strengths: At the time, it seems Deebs has no cellular decomposition and her form seems stable so it is unlikely she will ever die of old age. She can survive without eating or breathing and can alter her shape to better suit however she needs to be. As such she can fit into almost any crack.

Weaknesses: Deathbringer's speed gets severly reduced in the extreme cold as her elasticity disappears. However upon regaining her temperature she acts completly unharmed by the process. Extreme heat however seems to make her very uncomfortable and Jyrras has not gone down a path of that type of testing since her initial complaint. She also seems very naive.

Further Notes: Deebs is currently in violation of the New-Life Ruling, in that no creature (or being) is allowed to create a new life form of sentience. If discovered, it could mean ill for both Deathbringer and her Creator.

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Demonology 101 - Deathbringer