Life really is wonderful, though sometimes one forgets that. Perhaps a trip to the mall will remind the guys just how wonderful life can be.
#609: Just because you are alone, it doesn't mean your misery lacks company.
#610: Thats one small step of mice and men.
#611: It probably could be more awkward...maybe.
#612: It's a mental pain that spans generations and age barriers.
#613: Science and babies have never been a good mix.
#614: You always remember these things two minutes before you sleep.
#615: Fears fears fears...
#616: Mab's cooking is the stuff of dreams and nightmares.
#617: Not gonna take what is not gonna be given.
#618: Also a secret, water is wet.
#619: It's always a bad sign if the font is pink...
#620: A lesson in sarcasm.
#621: Cool abilities were meant to be used stupidly!
#622: Yeah. It's not that Amber is just bad at drawing crowds. Really...
#623: Don't mess with the best cause the best don't mess.
#624: The difference between comedy and cliffhanger is one panel.
#625: Making empty threats on a now empty stomach.
#626: A shirt/shoes policy kinda is hard to enforce all things considered.
#627: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is far cooler.
#628: I'm gonna need to draw an all-girl slumber party to compensate this...
#629: Inner child/Inner instinct.
#630: It pays to make a deal with one who has never seen a camera.
#631: As much maturity as any sibling can muster.
#632: The thought only counts if someone actually does the thinking.
#633: Reality strikes like a ninja!
#634: It's easy to destroy lives when you lack one of your own.
#635: Looking for a sign...no pun intended...much.
#636: She's either a good psychic or a good bluffer.
#637: Now that's what I call immediate future.
#638: Cause awkward silence is boring.
#639: A card for every occasion.
#640: The more eyes one has, the more one notices.
#641: Even the friendliest of roses still have thorns.
#642: Abel's eating a double-fudge flurry in case you're wondering.
#643: Time for a direct approach.
#644: I'm sure there is a pun in this somewhere.
#645: Unwanted attention.
#646: Idle hands meets active mouth.
#647: There are many ways to show someone you care, even when you don't.
#648: Someone either critically failed or succeeded their Bluff roll.
#649: That train of thought didn't stand a chance.
#650: It always makes sense when one doesn't have to explain it.
#651: The kind of thing that blindsides you on some idle Thursday.
#652: When diamonds are easier to make than doughnuts.
#653: No joke really ever stays dead in this comic.
#654: At least the book doesn't have illustrations.
#655: Anger is easy once you find a proper target.
#656: Stupidity, unlike technology, needs no advancement.
#657: Not the most sympathetic ear.
#658: Prime example.
#659: That and everyone's hair becomes pointy enough to pierce skin.
#660: Evil was never so full of syrup and butter.
#661: The greeting card market lacks decent evil cards.
#662: Ironically, this joke might be a foot over some people's heads.
#663: There's thought derailment and then theres total thought collision.
#664: In Lorenda's defense, the pack was just marked Resident.
#665: Friends may take a bullet for you, or dodge one because of you.
#666: Men are from Mars, and Wildy's a random asteroid.
#667: That's not fear, that's horror-movie survival instincts!
#668: A major pothole on the road to adventure.
#669: Messengers don't like being shot.
#670: If winning wasn't everything, why would people cheat?
#671: Just when you think Amber couldn't stall this confrontation any longer...
#672: I should do a college thesis on Artist Vision.
#673: It's not shoot the messenger so much as shoot the first moving target.
#674: And we go full circle.
#675: The scariest things know where you sleep.
Previous Chapter: Unwilling and Abel at the Cubi Academy.
Next Chapter: Get me to the Church.
