With the evil... guy, Dark Pegasus, planning evil things, Dan, with the aid of Mab and Aliyka, a that skimpy bit of leather, head off on a journey to a Kingdom to stop the evil. Bad evil!
#116: The starting of an epic tale...sorta.
#117: You probably know whats going to happen next.
#118: Predictability in villains 101.
#119: Pro's to being a hero?
#120: Yes, its the outfit from Comic #4!
#121: Mows have a wierd influence on Amber's sanity.
#122: Adventures arent what they used to be.
#123: The reason mows should never be an RPG enemy.
#124: You'd never expect what with her outfit.
#125: At least he's persistant at something.
#126: Every artist has a weak point. Can you guess Amber's?
#127: Its all in the title these days
#128: Old friends are like nature's pride-crushers.
#129: Dont think the special effect crews anticipated Pip.
#130: With great power comes a kicking sense of humour.
#131: I've played too many video games where this happens.
#132: Subtle like an amputation.
#133: Its moments like these artists dread.
#134: Origami is a creative yet time consuming activity.
#135: Plot convenience in spades.
#136: Squeeky toy of doom!
#137: The Fae-look is very gender-biased.
#138: Pip-Huggles!
#139: Some jokes are worth repeating.
#140: White-Palace, official sponsers of Forbidden Lands.
#141: Who needs henchmen when you can have one of these?
#142: What were the odds of that?
#143: Not the brightest dragon in the kingdom.
#144: Foreshadowing so obvious even Dan can sense it!
#145: Hence the term "Kingdom of H-Ann".
#146: Meeting the most interesting people in evil castles.
#147: No one can resist Pink's cuddley eye stare!
#148: He probably saves a bundle in electricity.
#149: Dan doesnt handle boredom very well.
#150: The first and last time Dan will probably say Dude.
#151: Its really not that secret a weakness.
#152: Dan's mind is not exactly normal.
#153: The final straw.
#154: Dramatic pose! I'd say copout, but I planned this for months.
#155: Battle Music.
#156: Foreboding foreshadowing.
#157: (No comment)
#158: Reflections
#159: A return to normalacy.
#160: Losing ones cool under pressure.
#161: Bet you didnt see this one coming!
#162: For the record, Dan actually has a liscense to be a priest from this.
#163: Its amazing the amount of free stuff you can get in the mail.
#164: Wrapping things up.
#165: Pipclideous Dominiscus, drake for hire?
#166: Simple needs for a simple Dan just arent met in simple comics.
#167: Its only wierd if you think about it...
#168: And now for something completly different!
#169: I seriously think my bed is an energy draining demon.
#170: Giving the fans what I think is what they want.
#171: Can you guess what Amber "really" hates?
Previous Chapter: Home Again...
Next Chapter: What Makes a Comic Great
